Human Rights Due Diligence
We help you improve human rights due diligence and provide a high-quality survey of human rights due diligence in Japan.
We utilize our expertise acquired through more than 100 surveys managing public facilities requested by municipalities. In these surveys, we have accumulated experience and knowledge of on-site investigation by interviewing facility staff to review working conditions and management policy implementation.
We have a partnership agreement with a Japanese legal firm experienced in Japanese labor issues.
Advisory Services
We offer clients tailored advisory services to improve human rights due diligence. Our standard service packages are as follows:
Improvement of Human Rights Due Diligence
We conduct an on-sight survey and identify existing human rights issues in business operations. Based on a survey, we develop a plan to improve the management system of human rights issues with preventive and remedial measures for existing problems. We help you implement human rights due diligence improvement projects.
Survey of Human Rights Due Diligence of Japanese Companies
Upon our client’s request, we will survey and provide a report on the human rights due diligence performance of your operations in Japan and your business partners in Japan.